Transaction creation

There are two kinds of payment transactions.

  1. Fixed price transaction. The system forces user to deposit given amount, otherwise it will reject transaction. In case deposit being bigger than required amount the difference is sent to payskin wallet.

  2. Top Up transaction. The system will accept any amount and all the amount is going to be sent to merchant.Transakcje top up.

Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer ${bearerToken} 

 "amount": "1", 
 "currency": "USD", 
 "buyer": { 
   "firstName": "string", 
   "lastName": "string", 
   "emailAddress": "", 
   "phoneNumber": "string" 
 "notifyUrl": "ipnUrl", 
 "successUrl": "successRedirectUrl", 
 "failureUrl": "failureRedirectUrl" 
 "customerIp": "",
 "depositMultiplier?": "0.05"
 "data": {
   "steamId": "76666666666?",
   "tradeUrl": "https://steamtradeurl?"

Instant process: You can speed up check out process by passing additional steamId and tradeUrl parameters in "data" field.

Test transaction: to make test payment you need to add request body param "forcedStatus" with value "SUCCESS" or "FAIL"

Field depositMultiplier is optional. Value 0.05 means that item worth $10 will be priced to user as $10.50. This does not affect accounting between merchant and Payskin

User should be redirected to "continueUrl" from response

Last updated