
It is possible to withdraw funds in items using our API.

to get available items you need to fetch available to withdraw

GET https://api.payskin.gg/rest-api/items/withdrawable 
Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer ${bearerToken} 


  tradingBotId: Long? 
  assetId: Long? 
  tradelock: LocalDateTime? 
  marketHashName: String? 
  ourPrice: BigDecimal?

There is a possibility to lock an item.

PATCH https://api.payskin.gg/rest-api/items/withdrawable/{assetId}/locks
Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer ${bearerToken} 

Then to proceed with withdraw

POST https://api.payskin.gg/rest-api/transactions/withdraw
Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer ${bearerToken} 


  tradeUrl: String,
  steamId: String, 
  selectedItem: {assetid: Long} , 
  notifyUrl: String

After user accepts or reject withdraw we will notify You about status change @notifyUrl. Available statuses are STARTED, SUCCESS, FAIL

Last updated